ZW3D — Translator formats

Besides the usual translation format like ACIS, DWG, DXF, IGES, STEP, Parasolid, VDA, STL, SAT

The ZW3D – Translator,  has quite a variety of  CAD Program Import formats.

This previously needed a Special Translator ( I used TransMagic ) to recieve a file in IGES and have it in Native format like Solidworks or Catia. Here is a LIST of some other “Translators ONLY“.

These Special Translators can be quite expensive. So, now with ZW3D you no longer need to hassle with the variety of formats being sent to you — Just Import them  — EASY.

See the various – standard ( Built in ) Import formats

Catia V4       (.model, .exp, .session)

(version – 4.1.9 – 4.2.4)


Catia V5/V6

(.CATPart, .CATProduct,.CGR, .3DXML)

(version-V5R8 – V5R25 and V6R2012 –V6R2015)


NX(UG)     (.prt)   (version- 11–NX 10)


Creo(Pro/E) (.prt, .prt*, .asm, .asm.*)

(version – 16 –Creo 3.0)


SolidWorks   (.sldprt, .sldasm)

(version – 98–2015(only 64bit)


SolidEdge     (.par, .asm, .psm)

V18 –ST8


Inventor       (.ipt, .iam)

(version – Up to V2016)


Now -ALSO IMPORTANT- once you have completed your CAD component, Mould, Tool project, and your Customer is requesting Native CATIA files for His own CAD Software program, there is once again NO NEED for the External Translator programs — ZW3D can export to CATIA V4 and V5 format ( Besides ALL the standard formats ) .

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